Board members

Board members' declarations of interest

All members of London TravelWatch are, on appointment, required to make declarations of interest to any shareholdings that might be regarded as creating a financial conflict with their membership of London TravelWatch (no such declarations have been made in respect of current members).

The Board decided (as of 1 January 2006) that members should declare other interests that could possibly be deemed to create a conflict with their membership of London TravelWatch. Some such conflicts are likely to be more theoretical than real, but for the sake of openness and transparency they are listed below.

Occasionally, a member may find that he or she has a very specific conflict of interest relating to a personal interest in a proposal (eg the location of a bus stop). In such circumstances, the member concerned is required to make a declaration at the start of the meeting at which the item is being discussed.

Members sit on the London TravelWatch board in their individual capacities and do not represent any groups or organisations in which they have an interest.

Members’ declarations of interests:

Tricia Hayes CB

  • Member, Transport Focus – appointed 5 February 2024 by the London Assembly. Term runs to 4 February 2028
  • Member, British Transport Police Authority, Appointed by Secretary of State for Transport, 15 January 2024. Term runs to 24 Jan 2028
  • Chair, Integrated Programme Team Partnering Board, SCS Joint Venture. Appointed by SCS JV (Skanska, Costain, Strabag) – started October 2023. No end date
  • Consultant and Advisor, Baringa Management Consulting. Appointed by: Baringa Public Sector Division. No end date