Over the past few years, London TravelWatch has been engaged in a research project about personal security for people travelling in London. We wanted to know what needs to be done to increase the safety of those travelling around the capital and to identify priorities for the city’s decision makers and transport providers.


What we found

Personal security is a key issue for people using London’s transport network, whether they are walking on the street or travelling on the train, tube or bus. As with other areas of society, people experience the transport network differently. Some people are far more likely to be victims of certain types of crimes and unwanted behaviour, including sexual harassment and hate crime.

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Significantly, this research found that:

  • Young people, women, disabled and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic transport users were at greater risk of victimisation from other people
  • 38% of disabled transport users have experienced a hate crime or harassment over the last 3 years
  • Nearly one in four women had experienced unwanted sexual behaviour in the last 3 years
  • Over 70% of people who felt unsafe have stopped travelling at certain times of the day
  • Over half of people felt it was neither easy nor straightforward to report a crime on public transport

Our report outlines 28 key recommendations which should be adopted by decision-makers, transport providers and policing authorities, including the British Transport Police and Metropolitan Police.

Key recommendations include: 

  • Create a safer travelling environment through CCTV and staff presence
  • Make Public Sexual Harassment (PSH) a crime
  • Create a playbook for how to be an Active Bystander
  • Better use technology to make the reporting process easier
  • Authorities need to work harder to build trust in the reporting process

Read more

How can we all be active bystanders when travelling in London?

Personal Security Scorecard – we rank London’s transport operators on the work they do to improve personal security

Blog – Safe travel in London: reflecting on seven months of research

Initial findings – Read about the initial findings from our research and watch our webinar back